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Background Information

This page contains background and more information on the environment, the 1993 covenants and our response to the proposed AELTC Wimbledon Park Project, through links to other websites, online resources and documents.


Please see this short history as of March 2025 and this earlier briefing paper.

Unusually, the AELTC application documents do not include a single plan to show the full extent of the development works in context and demonstrate the scale of their proposal.  

The Land Ownership and Context Map below, plus the consolidated plan showing all development works, provide the entire picture in one place, by which the casual observer is generally astonished.  

Both Ken McFarlane, a local architect, and Neil Thompson a landscape architect have taken a keen interest in the Heritage Park for many years and have kindly produced these images - click on them to expand.

Land Ownership and Context Map
Map illustrating the proposed AELTC development
Air Quality and Traffic Impacts

This presentation details air quality impacts and expected heavy traffic related to the proposed AELTC WImbledon Park development.

Save Wimbledon Park Legal and Council Minutes Research Briefing, September 2022:

The golf course is part of the Wimbledon Park Open Space, the heart of Capability Brown’s Park. It’s protected as Metropolitan Open Land (=Green Belt), Grade II* listed, Conservation Area and Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC). When Merton decided to sell in 1993, they committed to maintain it as open space. Both Merton and the All England assured the public that there would be no development, covenanting that the land would not be used except for leisure, recreation and open space, nor built upon except as ancillary to recreation or open space more

The Wimbledon Society is committed to protecting all those local amenities that contribute to our quality of life. There are a number of articles on their website, which include all the letters of objection sent to Merton and Wandsworth Councils covering the Covenant, Soil Excavation and Lorry Movements and environmental issues

The Wimbledon Park Residents' Association has submitted a number of responses to the AELTC planning application which can be found on it's website, along with other relevant news articles

The Friends of Wimbledon Park (FOWP) is a voluntary organisation that aims to give a voice to local people, community groups and other interested parties, to protect and enhance this well-loved landscape for future generations. FOWP has submitted several responses to the proposed AELTC Wimbledon Park planning application.

This is the 5th submission from Friends of Wimbledon Park, which concerns several documents submitted by AELTC in June 2022. This response was sent to Merton and Wandsworth Planning departments on 11 July 2022.

Having finally worked our way through all of the 101 planning documents submitted by AELTC, here is the Friends of Wimbledon Park 4th response to the AELTC planning application, which was sent to Merton (LBM) and Wandsworth (LBW) Councils on 22 April 2022.

Having continued working our way through the 101 planning documents submitted by AELTC, here is the Friends of Wimbledon Park 3rd response to the AELTC planning application, which was sent to Merton (LBM) and Wandsworth (LBW) Councils on 27 January 2022.

Having continued working our way through the 101 planning documents submitted by AELTC, here is the Friends of Wimbledon Park 2nd response to the AELTC planning application, which was sent to Merton (LBM) and Wandsworth (LBW) Councils on 13 January 2022.

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