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Friends of the Earth Merton: Time is of Essence for Wimbledon Park! Take Action Now.

Merton FOE | 20 January 2024

Friends of the Earth Merton: Time is of Essence for Wimbledon Park! Take Action Now.

This an ✨URGENT✨call for action to help Save Wimbledon Park.

And YOU can help us!

Wimbledon Park is under threat from development. The All-England Lawn Tennis Association wants to build 38 new courts and an 8,000 seater 'show court', which would concrete over much of the park, destroy hundreds of mature trees, devastate wildlife and cause more air pollution.

The London Mayor's office is currently considering the planning application, and will reach a decision imminently, latest by 29 January.

You Can Help - Please Take Action NOW

You can HELP persuade them to reject it by submitting an objection on their website.

👉 You can do this by simply filling in the form on this link - scroll down to complete it but please make sure you click the 'OBJECT' button (as the form currently defaults to support!).

You will then receive an email asking you to confirm your comment by clicking on the link provided. Please don't forget to do this.

Please share this with your family and friends.

Your help is much appreciated.


Why is the campaign to Save Wimbledon Park a National issue?

'If this development were allowed to proceed it would set a dangerous precedent. It is almost certain that wherever you live in London you live near open green space that is under threat. Our parklands, London's lungs and family areas for recreation and well-being, have never been more needed.

AELTC is blithely saying that after 30 years of owning the park, their commercial needs have changed and they need to build this stadium, 38 other courts, 10 hub buildings and 9km of tarmac paths.

So who knows what they may in ten or twenty years! "

By Stephen Hammond and Fleur Anderson, MP, 5 Jan 2024

To learn more about this development

Read news articles: The Standard, The Guardian

With best wishes,

Merton Friends of the Earth

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