Over 300 people attended the public meeting held at St Michael's Church on 14 November 2023.
Please find below the presentations from the meeting, next steps and follow up actions from the public meeting for everyone.
NB Keep Tuesday 21st November 5pm - 7.30pm clear to join the protest outside Wandsworth town hall ahead of the expecting planning committee meeting. Start making your banners and placards now !
Presentations from the meeting:
Next Steps and Actions from the Public Meeting:
1. Encourage all your friends, family and contacts to sign the petition: www.Change.org/SaveWimbledonPark and to follow the actions below.
2. Respond to the Wandsworth planning application,
before 17 November. Running late? responses before 20 November are still helpful.
Send an email to planning@wandsworth.gov.uk including the following information:
• Heading - Wandsworth 2021/3609 - OBJECTION to planning application.
• Your name & address
• Comment - Object to proposal
• Then set out your reasons for objecting to the proposal - . Have a look at https://www.savewimbledonpark.org/ home page, which includes a list of valid objections to the planning application you may wish to include in your response.
3. Email Wandsworth Councillors before the Wandsworth planning committee,
requesting they reject the application. Please send emails to:
Tony Belton (Chair) - Cllr.T.Belton@wandsworth.gov.uk
Leonie Cooper (Deputy Chair) - Cllr.L.Cooper@wandsworth.gov.uk
Finna Ayres - cllr.f.ayres@wandsworth.gov.uk
Sheila Boswell - cllr.s.boswell@wandsworth.gov.uk
Jamie Colclough - cllr.j.colclough@wandsworth.gov.uk
Ravi Govindia - cllr.r.govindia@wandsworth.gov.uk
Guy Humphries - Cllr.G.Humphries@wandsworth.gov.uk
Mark Justin - cllr.m.justin@wandsworth.gov.uk
Emmeline Owens - cllr.e.owens@wandsworth.gov.uk
Paul White - Cllr.P.White@wandsworth.gov.uk
cc Callum Wernham, PAC Support Officer - callum.wenham@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk
4. Looking ahead to the GLA stage:
email the Mayor’s planning team about your concerns, requesting they reject the application,
email the local GLA members on the Environment Committee:
Leonie.cooper@london.gov.uk Hina.Bokhari@london.gov.uk
5. Email Fleur Anderson MP (MP for Wandsworth) registering concern about the application: fleur.anderson.mp@parliament.uk
6. The Wandsworth Planning Committee will meet on Tuesday 21st November. Keep 5pm - 7.30pm clear to join the protest outside Wandsworth town hall. Start making your banners and placards now.